Wave Breaker
posted by SHAHIKAI 07:13 0 comments

So yeah
Hello and whats app guys!!! how are you guys doing. I'm doing good alhamdulillah. Everything is good. I am currently going back to University back because semester break is over so yeah need to face reality and focus just at studying je haih. Aip no mengeluh It;s not good hm. Bersyukur sebab we can still given a chance to learn something new in our life even though macam useless kan but It;s OaKAYY!

So dua hari yang lepas result semester one is out. And ye I berdebar teruk sebab I know I barai teruk masa final exam haritu I had not-so-small mental breakdown. I just feel like I should stop talking about it since I want to forget it. yeah. I have to! Okay back to my words just now. Of course I rasa macam I akan screw everythaaang and kena buang dari Uni but well I need more positivity because I did great ! At least I tak give up and tak nak belajar langsung.


I did not expect that I will still get a flying colours in my results sebab I kbow myself more. But Alhamdulillah for everything . I still shook sampai sekarang because I tak sangka! Even though bukan dekan but SIKIT LAGI! Ya Allah semester depan, Insha'allah we can! It just the beginning! Still got 7 semesters to go and It still a long way! Insha'allah degree first class honor! 

Okay I akan bagitahu result I. I got 3.6 which is sangat dekat nak dapat dekan lagi 0.10 je nak dekan. Uni I kena 3.7 baru dekan hm so sad but It;s Ojkay!!!!

That;s All from me sebab nak daftar course ye sangat menyakitkan hati huh!
Good Night!

Can we take a moment and appreciate Kim Jongin's messy yet still manage to look nice hair because this only happen once in 13313838 years!


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