Wave Breaker
Tok 💎
posted by SHAHIKAI 08:10 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and hi guys~

Hai guys. Idk today i feel like writing some post. I know ive been hiatus lama jugak la. Hm sorry. I just dont have time. As you know or dont know ive pursuading my studies at University Scirnce Malaysia which is at Penang. It has been 2 weeks aku dkt sini. Later ill tell u guys sbb this is not the reason why aku buat post ni so yeah.

The main purpose is aku rindu tok. Hm. I dont know why aku rindu dia. Tak pernah pernah aku rindu hm. I feel like bawak dia ddk dengan aku dekat usm ni. Haih. I MISS HERRRR SO MUCH 😣😣😣 

maybe sebab last time a day before result upu keluar aku stay dkt rumah maksu and jaga tok because maksu outstation dkt uk kot idk. A week kot ddk jaga dia. Spend time dengan dia. Quite bored u know la jaga orang tua is like jaga baby right? Bila kita suruh dia duduk and jangan buat apa apa she like berdegil gila kot. Haih. Sometimes terkasar la dengan dia but aftrr that terus aku mintak maaf. Serious. Rasa bersalah gila. Omg. How i wish i could turn back timr and treat her better......

And during that week aku mcm menyesal krnapa lah aku setuju nak jaga dia like bodohnya aku fikir mcm tu...now serius i feel like want to jaga her because i know she's lonely there. Dekat kl kot what do you expect. Rumah pun no feel sbb rapar2 and no space. Yea i know. And shes also sangat loner. Yea maksu kerja paksu also kerja anak anak dia sekolah and balik pun buat hal sendiri. Yea everyone penat but omg layan lah dia. 

I just feel dissapointed when tok masak penat2 then everybody tak makan...omg im so angry. Like aku ckp better kita haniskan sbb dorang tak akan makan!!! But tok sangat baik. Dia kata tinggalkan sikiy dkt dorang. Omg I LOVE TOK SP MUCH SHES SO NICE!!! 

I know exact waktu dia bangun subuh, dia masak breakfast. Ok dia akan bangun subuh then zikit till pagi and then dia akan dhuha dulu. After dhuha dia akan perfi dapyr and yhats the time aku akan tolong dia masal breakfast and kaklong alan jemur baju. I know im not a morning person but for her je ok hihi. U know if aku tak bangun she will do everything!!! So ill make sure aku turun before dia buat something 😂😂😂

Later we cook together and watch tv. Then buatla apa apa potong bawang ke kupas cili kering ke apa ke. Then pukul 12 we cook for lunch. Sampai la zohor dia solat then rehat rehat kejap. We turun makan tengahari. After makan tengahari, aku akan suruh dia baring rehat sebab non stop dia buat kerja and aku tifo dkt atas. And asar . After asar usually we tak buat pape just angkat kain. BETAPA BOSANNYA RUTIN HARI HARI SAMA JE MCM NI FK aku sehari pun dh bosan apatah lagi tok omg i cant imagine shes been doing that alone hm 😣😣😣

rindu dengan dia.....
I know how tok rasa bila makan sorang sorang. At here i also makan sorang sorang and its hurt sial. Sumpahm i hate makan sorang sorang hua. I feel like crying.... 😣😣😣

Tak sabar nak jumpa tok. Lagi 19 hari angah balik...inshaallah angah dtg lawat tok dkt kl...tok tungguvtau....Omg 

I really really nak jaga dia but cant...
Fuck im so sad!

I just hate the facts that i cant jaga dia fuck!!!!

Omg im so emo

Excuse me gais...

She always tell me that jaga ur parents baik baik bila tua. Dont make them feel lonely...spend time at least weekend with them or cannot pun please la makan together. Haih
Everytime makan tok akan remind me that thing...and im so sebak everytime aku dengar. Idk it just feel like shes telling me what dia rasa

I know you lonely tok....i can feel it. Serious. Bcs ive soend a week with you...fuck i wish i can jaga u here. huaaaa. 

I HATE MYSELF for being like this 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Thats All.

Nak call dia. Hihi 🤗😇

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