Wave Breaker
Raya 2017
posted by SHAHIKAI 02:36 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and hi!

as you guys already know, we are in bulan syawal and we muslim are celebrating hari raya or eidul mubarak. so yeah since its raya why not im making a post about how exactky i celebrate raya hahaha hamek ko acah je en. takdelah actually ive plan this lama dah tapi well biasalah rasa malas menguasai diri ini hahaha uhuks. so lets start! at first aku tak nak pun buat post pasal raya ni sebab i'm not that pretty on raya yea i look selekeh most of the time weh sedih gila .

i really love raya sebab everyone look extra pretty in their fancy and new baju kurung or wtv baju dia panggil. i love looking at happy face. whatsapp akan dipenuhi dengan selfie raya semuaorang omg i dont usually download my friends selfie tapi raya is exception!

okay mari kita mulakan!

firstly, every year my family akan first saya dekat tapah which is kampung my dad because my mum dah takde kampung and we biasanya belah ibu akan kumpul raya ketiga huhuhu. it's kinda bored sebab asyik asyik tempat sama en but nak buat macam mana doh i guess its a good change. at least we have kampung kan drpd certain ppl yang takde kampung and terpaksa raya at bandar omg i cant imagine it.

from kiri very belakang: my dad, paklang, pakngah, my kaklong, makcu
from kiri tengah: my adik, me uhuk, my mum, my cousin-afiq-, my sister anja, maklang, my cousin alia and paksu
as you can see we have a small family kan? yup tapi bising dia masya'allah macam there's 10 family tho hahaha. afiq and alia is a sibling which is anak our paklang and maklang. sadly my pakngah is still single (do pm me if youre interest in him hahha jk) 

so yeah thats it.

basically routine pagi raya is pagi tu bangun and mandi sunat. then pergi solat raya. after solat raya kita makan dulu then baru siap lawa lawa and after that ada sesi salam salam sikit (its a tradition btw) usually we mintak maaf for kesalahan lol hahaha i really hate that sesi tho tak tipu. i always nak avoid tau benda tu aiduhai.

so like after dah insaf kejap we must have a photoshoot!~!!! wajib gais!!! what a raya without ootd kan? hahahahaa. so yea this is a bit of our raya gambar

have fun

wanita-wanita terakhir in Shuib and Aliah's fam

Cousins aka pewaris keluarga lol

you gotta dab your day yo

this is ma fam, so cute isn;t it?

me slaying in my raya outfit. ps only during raya u guys can see me looking ayu all the time okay note that!


after that my family usualy go to kampung balun and visit our cousin and relatives there. its not that far away from my kampung but we usually duduk dekat sana till petang or senja then baru balik tapah. hua its tiring but lol duit raya gais siapa nak tolak hahahahahahh muah ciked.

usually malam tu we akan main mercun and bunga api sampai pengsan but im not so into it now sebab usually masa malam theres a lot of cerita raya yang best and i have to watch it!!! im sorry childhood memories i have to watch suri hati mr pilot raya HAHAHAHAH LOL LMAOOO

end of first raya yahu



sadly we usually sambut raya time raya pertama je gais. raya kedua all of my cousin already balik kampung kedua pulak so theres no one except our family huhu so sad. and raya ketiga pulak we go kumpul for belah my mum pulak dekat Malim Nawar, Perak. its near ipoh but not so far from tapah also. so like we can go there selalu lah hahahahahhahaha k tak lawak doh

keep it simple with puma ignite

this is my third raya outfit, i keep it simple and black sebab dah third raya why nak over kan? haha okay i'm wearing blouse from zara, long skirt from i don't know where, kasut from time square (idk which kedai) and tudung from tudungpeople. that day kitorang biasanya orang first yang akan sampai since we paling dekat yang lain semua ipoh lah melaka lah penang lah and yea we have to wait for them to sampai here huhu and during the night we biasanya akan pergi rumah adik maklang and makan mee kari. mee kari there are soooo good!!!taktipu sedap gila ya ALLAH!

aina, me, kaklong, anja also alia

this year yang datang only makngah, maklang, maksu and my mum fam je ada. so sikit sangat. because yang lain ada hal and takleh datang huhu i'm not crying, you are! eh apahai lak hangpa nak nangis sebab aku en hahahahah

im so miss the old day masa rumah tok still ada haih, so sad meh.

end of raya ketiga



So raya keempat we dicided to jalan jalan pergi tesco because we already sick of eating rendang and lemang sentiasa! we biasanya pergi tesco kampar saja jalan jalan heh but end up masing masing beli barang. well raya kan so duit raya ada why not. but before that kitorang pergi rumah pakcik along dulu its my dad kawan. after that plan nak pergi some of rumah lagi tapi semua takda! sedih gila! then baru ah kami ke tesco dengan perasaan yang sedih ceh takdelah happy !

end of fourth raya


so yeah raya kelima we dicided nak balik sebab urgh why must stay here lama lama kan haha so yea here we are finally balik from kampung yang takde coverage at all! nasib baik ada astro also tv tau kalau tak haih mereput akak dkt sini hoho

so my face merah teruk because of some allergic yang idk why and tak tahu causes dia apa but im still enjoying my day lah hahaha.  AND NO MAKEUP TODAY! becuase of my breakouts teruk nak mampus weh huhuhuhuhu rip my skin. im wearing too much makeup and tak cuci because everyday my day sampai malam so touch up tapi tak cuci haih. my face is tired already, i;m sorry .

so yeah that's all from my boring raya this year. thank you for reading sambil habis i know bosan ye ye tahu semua tu dah shh diam semua.

I'd like to wish selamat hari raya to all of my muslim friends and also to all melayu that i kenal or tak kenal. hope you guys are having a nice and memorable hari raya. bagi yang malas keluar rumah ke ikut mak ayah g beraya ke cuba rajin sikit. ni lah masanya untuk collect duit raya!!!!!! dont wear to much make up tau or else tak dapat duit raya sebab nampak tua! haha k jk 

cikai :D

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