Wave Breaker
posted by SHAHIKAI 22:42 0 comments

Haih i feel so empty right now. Like aku tak tahu direction. Living in usm is not easy. Everything u must decide by your own self like haih. Duhai. I need my cikgus and lecturers kmpk haih. I need someone to guide me. I lost.

Aku rasa macam apa aku nak jadi. And im really down bila aku tak dapat mpd like tu je harapan aku. Aku rasa bodoh sangat sebab tak pergi mpd haritu WHY SO STUPID BODO! im mad at myself sampai aku cakap aku tak akan makan dah aftee this. Haih. Jm so mad but yeah aku sakit perut then aku makan hm haha kelakar la sikit kemon gelak la .

And yea living in uni really make u macam kau kena study sendiri faham faham sendiri and buat semuanya sendiri!!! No one akan ajar kau satu satu. Haih. Life is so hard la bij.

I started to miss my matric life eventho aku tak suka dekat sana but at least i have friends thar can make my day better and roommates yang tak buar aku rasa lonely at all. Dekar sini semua buat hal sendiri. Bangun sendiri EVERYTHING ALONE. ERGH. 
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