Wave Breaker
waffle date with my bae
posted by SHAHIKAI 06:54 0 comments
heyoo everyone hulahoop

my bae since standard five

how are u guys. i know its been a long time im not update my blog. yah im busy af huhuhu. sorry guys. but today i want to talk about my date wiith my bae after 720 days we are not seeing each other hulaaa. yeah its because im in kuala lumpur and shes at perak yeah quite far aite. lepas je spm is over kami still busy with our life. when im free, shes not free yeah aigooo quite hard bcs aku rindu gila dekat dia. siot je but finally on 22th of january we able to see each other haha. at first its quite awkward lah hahaha but we managed to not to make it awkward sangat so banyak lah story yang keluar wow sumpah shocked gila hoho.

thanks lah sbb make my craving come true gitu hahaha ye lah bak kata abe "kau pregnant ke" hahha maaf dah lama tak makan waffle. act aku rindu waffle kantin tikl huhuhuhu tapi cheras jauh lah huhuhu so sis makan je hitz cafe punya hahaha. puas lah makan waffle tu hahah besar bodoh haha "kau makan sorang sorang" hahahahahahhahahaha yelah dia yang bayar haha (sbb dtg lambat) hahhaha jahatnya aku ni haaa

banyak cerita rupanya even aku dua tahun baru tinggal kan kejo wallah gila. ada one of my ex classmates tu dia dah kahwin. yea aku tak shicked sangat waktu tu sebab dia memang agak social sikit hahaha so she end up to quit school masa its only two days left for spm ???!!!! gila kan just bcs shes wanted to get married cepat cepat so dia nak tinggalkan spm wuhh hebat dik haha but still dia datang juga sebab dah didaftar kan en huhu. saya mndoakan awak bahagia disamping suami awak ok. dengar cerita dah pregnant! congratess bebi huhuhuada masa kita lawat awok

harini macam macam aku merantau. even tanjong malim tu pekan je but still hahhaha rasa dah lama tak pergi merantau hahaha dulu suka lepak situ huhuhu. haih and kitorang lawat nisaa!!!! wuhuu dia kerja grandbuy. woohooo grandbuy tu kedai baju macam sakan lah (fyi) hahaha sungguh gigih yeah life is not easy do kurkur

the red one is nisa, say hi!

Haih today sanga penat sungguh!!!! haha but its worth it huhuhuhuhhhuhuhuhu nanti we hangout again (tah bile lah weh) too many good memories. kena kejar anjing, ada promoter manatah datangnya hahahha okay im so happy. dah lama tak rasa seronok macam ni hahaha. ye aku tahu perasaann tu tak sama macam dulu ye but im happy hahaha okay faak my life pls huhuhu

okay gtg hope u enjoy my post! 

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