Assalamualaikum and hai semua hehe.
So yeah.
life was great, so far. Everything change. i have to accept it. so yeah im already getting used to environment here. haih i barely survive my first sem at university of science malaysia. it almost end. i mean my first sem. right now everything is settled. assignment, presentation, oral presentation and bla bla bla. and now i'm waiting for final exam only then i WANT TO REST SIAL.
okay so yeah
semua dah settle sebab aku dah dekat penghujung sem 1. and yeah aku still blur apa je yang aku dah belajar apa je aku nak buat haha. Still blur bila orang tanya what major kau nak ambil sem 4 nnati aih. I want islamic finance but i hate finance hm. I love international business but i hate public speaking haaa then macam mana? You know finance SANGAT SUSAH! like astaga susah gila lah hm. AHHH malas lah nak fikir. nevermind i have a long way to go before sem 4 so chill.
so far all my friends okay okay and can handle me. i know sometimes aku ni childish gila sampai astaga and sometime aku jadi serius tiba tiba pft im so confuse also pasal aku haih. and yea so far member aku dekat sini boleh masuk air dengan aku ah kiranyanya masing2 ada style sendiri. Sometimes aku rindu my old friends....yea not sometimes tapi everysingle time when i'm alone dalam bilik (rumet buat hal masing2) and i will call them saja saja call. terubat lah rindu sikit. like catch up things dengan dorang hm. haih serious talk one year in matric is not enough......I MISS MATRIC!!!!!!! yeah like you guys dah lama tahu kan life in uni macam mana. hm semuanya kena buat sendiri. like semuanya lah kena buat sendiri and no one akan selalu ada dengan kau. not like masa dekat sekolah or matrik dulu. everywhere kau pergi ada member. hm dekat sini pergi class pun asing2 ye lah sebab bukan semua class kau sama dengan member kau. but yeah nasib baik aku ni jenis manusia boleh sorang2 and sometimes aku lagi selesa bersendirian. yup.
okay life!!! terpaksa lah kena hadap semua benda baru yg sangat sangat challenging and mind pun kena matang also open minded yea you know this is university not collegue or school anymore so haruslah begitu. If nak keep childish mind of you better jangan masuk uni lah stay dekat rumah HAHAHA. Yeah true tau. like some ppl i know here sangat otak sempit. haih you dh masuk uni kot hm pls la matang sikit hehe.
okay la so far i'm okay with my life just yeah time management and finance mangement aku still lack in banyak gila aspect....haih takpe i'm trying my best next sem.
oraite gtg
bye guys!
So yeah.
life was great, so far. Everything change. i have to accept it. so yeah im already getting used to environment here. haih i barely survive my first sem at university of science malaysia. it almost end. i mean my first sem. right now everything is settled. assignment, presentation, oral presentation and bla bla bla. and now i'm waiting for final exam only then i WANT TO REST SIAL.

okay so yeah
semua dah settle sebab aku dah dekat penghujung sem 1. and yeah aku still blur apa je yang aku dah belajar apa je aku nak buat haha. Still blur bila orang tanya what major kau nak ambil sem 4 nnati aih. I want islamic finance but i hate finance hm. I love international business but i hate public speaking haaa then macam mana? You know finance SANGAT SUSAH! like astaga susah gila lah hm. AHHH malas lah nak fikir. nevermind i have a long way to go before sem 4 so chill.
so far all my friends okay okay and can handle me. i know sometimes aku ni childish gila sampai astaga and sometime aku jadi serius tiba tiba pft im so confuse also pasal aku haih. and yea so far member aku dekat sini boleh masuk air dengan aku ah kiranyanya masing2 ada style sendiri. Sometimes aku rindu my old friends....yea not sometimes tapi everysingle time when i'm alone dalam bilik (rumet buat hal masing2) and i will call them saja saja call. terubat lah rindu sikit. like catch up things dengan dorang hm. haih serious talk one year in matric is not enough......I MISS MATRIC!!!!!!! yeah like you guys dah lama tahu kan life in uni macam mana. hm semuanya kena buat sendiri. like semuanya lah kena buat sendiri and no one akan selalu ada dengan kau. not like masa dekat sekolah or matrik dulu. everywhere kau pergi ada member. hm dekat sini pergi class pun asing2 ye lah sebab bukan semua class kau sama dengan member kau. but yeah nasib baik aku ni jenis manusia boleh sorang2 and sometimes aku lagi selesa bersendirian. yup.
okay life!!! terpaksa lah kena hadap semua benda baru yg sangat sangat challenging and mind pun kena matang also open minded yea you know this is university not collegue or school anymore so haruslah begitu. If nak keep childish mind of you better jangan masuk uni lah stay dekat rumah HAHAHA. Yeah true tau. like some ppl i know here sangat otak sempit. haih you dh masuk uni kot hm pls la matang sikit hehe.
okay la so far i'm okay with my life just yeah time management and finance mangement aku still lack in banyak gila aspect....haih takpe i'm trying my best next sem.
oraite gtg
bye guys!