Wave Breaker
Dinner With Sultan and Permaisuri Perak
posted by SHAHIKAI 01:21 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and Hai everyone!

jeng jeng jeng hehhehehe

Semalam aka Hari Jumaat (26th April 2019)
Aku ada event iaitu dinner. What so special about this dinner is that dinner ni bukan beshe beshe okay. Luar biasa. Only in USM perkara sebegini terjadi ehek. Okay baiklah, Dinner ni special sebab hanya terbuka kepada anak anak perak ataupun dekat USM dipanggil sebagai 'Kusisdari' dan dinner ni akan dihadiri oleh our beloved which is DYMM Sultan Perak and Permaisuri. 

I'm so excited for this dinner to happen, and i was one of the earliest to pay and daftar for this dinner lol (damn son) Because this might not happen for the rest of my life like this is maybe the only chance for me to experience that! and i;m not gonna lose it hehehe so yeah gotta be the earliest bird kurkurkur. never been this excited before haha i'm a loyal perakian doh serius.

And i didnt see the hardship to come because i was to dumb that time.
Dah nama pun dinner dengan sultan and segala kerabat diranja nya. ofc lah it wont be that easy and simple kan hohoho and yeah their rules and protocol was sooo ketat and crazy i nearly cried when first time i baca all the rules like damn wow so complicated sia but sis not complaining tho HAHAHA okay but benda beshe2 pun tak dibernarkan buat.

1. Must wear baju kurung and bertemakan batik (but they changed it last min sis dk why). aku dah beli baju batik semata nak g i=dinner ni and they changed it last min tf kan erghhh ok like if you want to wear kebaya must traditional and longar ok no ketat2! and cannot wear kurung moden ok!
2. Cannot pakai shawl or wtv is it except for Bawal, Hijab sarung ONLY! and must pakai butterfly punya style or like ikan bawak tu. must wear hijab for muslimah and non muslim kena ikat rambut kemas2 like sup bunjut tu ehek
3. Kasut haruslah bersarung only and without heels! and no accesories yang melampau and over
4. No makeup!!!!!1 Wear lipbalm without color only (my stubbornass still wears lipstick hahaha)

so yeah tu one of the rules lah. amacam? mcam kanak kanak di asrama tidak? HAHAHAHAHA but yeah sis tak complain over la lek je because this only happen once in life so yeah sis ikut je HAHAHA but sumpahlah nampak noob gila berpakaian sebegini kerna sudah lama tidak memakainya HAHAH but yeah bila lagi kan nak jadi budak asrama pergi prep malam HAHAH
and yeah

and during that dinner akan ada sesi beramah mesra bersama sultan and permaisurinya gitu and we as a rakyat perlu la menyembah (is it the correct way to tulis ek idk) to sultan dan permaisuri so yeah adalah cara cara yang perlu dibuat like kena jalan dulu dua langkah and angkat sembah. and angkat sembah tu ada cara sendiri ok!! buka lah youtube jika mahu tahu lebih lanjut kehkehkeh and yeah sebabkan yang datang tu adalah raja muda dihilir and bukan sultan so angle sembah tu jadi lain sikit lah dia mcm bawah sikit drpd to the sultan and yeah we get the chance to sembang2 and beramah mesra with them wow 

so yeah lupa nak cakap the dinner was at Hotel Equatorial Penang damn big sial lawa nak mampos 

nah lihatlah gambar kenangan ini ehek

me and deanah

This was during the taklimat a day before dinner tersebut and we were told tips and adab2 makan, how to pergi tandas, bangun, sembah and so on lah it was funny and i gain a lot of new friends also new infornation lah kan hehehe


Look at the view from our ballroom. Cantik kan? this doesnt feel like i'm in penang at all doh. Sumpah cantik and very the nice lah view dia. i dont know if you guys can see but kawasan hotel ni actually berada di tengah2 kawasan rumah orang kaya kaya aka datuk and so on lah no wonder la hotel ni 5 stars and lawa gila!!!!!!!

Me, Farah and Deanah

We arrieved early than expected so yeah jalan jalan dahulu before duduk because during that time baru pukul 6 pm and dinner start at 8.30 ergh frust menunggu je sebenarnya so yeah we jalan2 and tour around hotel and we snap snap pic because we can! HEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE AND yeah if you guys perasan we all kinda wear the same color kan hahaha damn color coordinated gitu soulmate ke tu hahaha

We are obsessed with the mirrors in this hotel

Cantik sangat! and very cantik lah iphone xr kepunyaan deanah ini like wow sis sumpah cantik saya tak mampu lagi nak meng-own sebuah iphone itu hehehe gotu merelet dia HAHAHAHHA
and yeah we tangkap gambar like lama gila to kill time aih sumpah lama gila noks dekat sana menanti ketibaan raja ni and sis lapar teruk masa ni hm

and the pictures goes

My beautiful friend farah!

My very the cantik tinggi friend, Deanah!

Me and Deanah

Farah and me

Farah with Deanah

Ft our beautiful and georgeos looking shoes 

 Thank you Deanah for sponsoring my shoes for this dinner ehek

So yeah my hungry ass ofc need to read and know what we gonna eat tonight yummy!
It was good and delicious especially their pembuka selera very the yummy!!!!
I would rate the whole dish 10/10 but not their main course lah sbb food dia sangat biasa hehe

So yeah this is ther main dishes yummy! 

Us (Daeanah, Farah and me) with Su

She;s one of the committe and orang kuat for this Santapan/Dinner gitu
WE SUPPORT YOU SISTER!!!!  And yeah the sembang santai and beramah mesra with Sultan and permaisuri was great and I nervous siaaa sumpah nervous doh idk how my face look like hahhaha sumpah serabooot agaknya! but yeah the permaisuri was so ramah and she said good luck for my degree yahu!!!

love you too !


So yeah everything is great and eventhough we cannot and i dont have a picture of sultan with me or any candid pic of him for this dinner but sokay lah i dont mind. It was an amazing night, i meet a lot of new people and menambahkan friendlist saya heehe. Im so happy eventhough it was a tiring dinner ergh but yeah dont mind ah . As long as i get a chance to experience something great! and because of this i can share my experience with you guys hehehehe and Alhamdulillah for that :D

eh lupa nak cakap, omaigod guys!
one of the pegawai protokol (is it?) so smart guys! sis is tergoda! i dont know who he is nor his name but he is soooooo attractive and garunk! i like it! HAHAHHAHA bodo je

if you;re reading this wahai pegawai yang kacak berbaju batik hitam aum
i hope you;re doing well and please stop smoking heheh
oklah bye if got jodoh we surely will meet again soon

so yeah 
that;s all for todays story


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