I'm writing this to you. While you're listening to playlist of a sad song and crying because you and your friend had a fight, I want you to know that there are people who care about you. There will be people who stay by you. This friend just doesn't seem to want to, and that's fine. Because you're worth it. You're worth every tear, every smile, and every meaningful moment. Things may not be the best right now, but they will get better. Don't let one person bring you down. Stand up, be strong, and don't cry anymore. Life may have treated you badly, but show life how strong you can be by rising above all the hardships. Remember, there will always be those times where you want to give up and where you feel as if life isn't worth the effort anymore. Find someone who will listen. Find someone who will stand next to you. Find someone worth it all. Most importantly, find you. Find the best you that there could possibly be.
Sincerely, the not-so-healthy and great you
For those who've read this, take this to heart for yourself. Always know you're worth it.
And yes, i got this idea from someone else. Credit goes to them
I'm writing this to you. While you're listening to playlist of a sad song and crying because you and your friend had a fight, I want you to know that there are people who care about you. There will be people who stay by you. This friend just doesn't seem to want to, and that's fine. Because you're worth it. You're worth every tear, every smile, and every meaningful moment. Things may not be the best right now, but they will get better. Don't let one person bring you down. Stand up, be strong, and don't cry anymore. Life may have treated you badly, but show life how strong you can be by rising above all the hardships. Remember, there will always be those times where you want to give up and where you feel as if life isn't worth the effort anymore. Find someone who will listen. Find someone who will stand next to you. Find someone worth it all. Most importantly, find you. Find the best you that there could possibly be.
Sincerely, the not-so-healthy and great you
For those who've read this, take this to heart for yourself. Always know you're worth it.
And yes, i got this idea from someone else. Credit goes to them
About Me
Just a shortbio :)
Name : Shikai (the green one)
I'm Muslim Girl. Age 18 this year (2016)
Just love my self. Peace yaw
Likes: Greean Tea, Exo, WAYV, Kdrama & good ppl.
Hates: Fake friends, Haters, Judgemental, Bugs
Favourite Quotes
Dear Allah, If I lose hope today, please remind me that your plans are better than my dreams.
Just because it's hard doesn't mean It's impossible.
Membeli barang comel.
Edit blog (asyik ngedit blog, bilanya nak berblogging? cepikir)
Kalau dah bosan biasanya kacau orang.
Baca novel (buku malas).
Menulis jurnal dan menempek gambar di dalam jurnal berkenaan kehkeh
Fakta : (before you expect something big from me)
Bukan pelajar cemerlang.
Alumni Teknik KL.
addicted to green tea & cute stuff.
Suka melawak (lawak bodoh).
Lack of self confident.
Peminat k-pop opss
Tak reti berfesyen (pakai je apa yg ada).
really hate backstabber.
bengap sejarah, akaun.
Amek akaun tapi nak sambung graphic lol
Rabun Jauh TT^TT (tapi berlagak gila macam tak rabun)