Wave Breaker
Something Deep
posted by SHAHIKAI 03:19 0 comments

Are you living a wonderful life?

How should i answer this? hm I don't know lah. Living a wonderful life concist of you living in a happy environment and many more. But for me I always alone and for me it is wonderful for me to be alone. But being along 24/7 is quite lonely and sad. Because this semester I tak ada kelas sama dengan kawan I so I always alone and this semester really teaches me on how to survive without your close friens. yes. To be honest, I did;nt realize that I always alone this semester but one of my friend, Qibo said that he always saw me alone and because of that I tiba tiba rasa lonely and I have no one to eat masa lunch hm It kinda sad to be honest but life must go on kan takkan nak bersedih je kan. Ok berbalik ke question tadi, yes I think I am living a wonderful life, Alhamdulillah for that. I have a very close group of friend in USM I am grteful for that, I spend a lot of time for myself and I know myself more when I am alone. I know who exactly I am.

what's the one thing you can't live without

One thing I cannot live without is My Family, guys family is very important for you because they are the only person in this world cares a lot bout you and I love my family so much. I would never, ever, be happy without them. Another thing I cannot live without is my phone and earphone. Whenever I feel down, alone, sad, happy my phone i always with me hehehehhee I feel like my phone and earphone cuddles me. Alamak lebih dari satu pula haha.

what inspires you the most?

For me it's = Ten from WAYV/NCT/SUPERM

I luv him so much. He has so much more talent than me that I would need 927,282,819 duplicates of myself to have the same amount of talent. LOL. I love his ray of sunshine aura, his smile; the way it lights up a room, his positivity, his amazing dancing/vocals, his personality, and the way he loves his fans and members. Even though I waited for quite a long time for him to comeback for almost 2 years, I knew I would always support him no matter what💖💖💖 also Ten is honestly one of the most inspiring person ever he's sweet kind and talented and I'm so glad i got the chance to be born in a time where he exists te amo ten 😭💜 Ten is very hardworking and passionate in reaching his dreams. I mean imagine being far from home to learn different languages, to be pressured by the idea of debuting as an artist in such a very competitive environment. But this baby did it. He was in the first nct group & There is a reason why he is a superM member and center of WayV. He really aspire me to be better in everything I do. It may not be perfect but at least I know It's worth the sweat and struggle. I always struggle in speaking because I gagap a bit especially when I feel nervous but after I saw Ten I think I should also berusaha just seperti apa yang dia buat just becayse it;s hard doesn;t mean it is impossible, YOU CAN DO IT! and also he can speak 5 language while me still struggling with languages (Arab, Malay, English, Mandarin)lol i suck at ALLL!!!!!! But because of him I always practice my language skill so it will get better.

Just another of many reasons why I freakin love Ten!

do you trust anyone in your life?

I'm sorry but I don't anyone in my life. I have a very serious trust issues. I just can;t trust anyone, I don't know. Sorry.

Do you believe in true love?


would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert

Hm both :)
Sebab I;m more talkative in social media than in real life. Like I don't know lah why tapi I kinda awkward bila jumpa orang for the first time hehehe but sometimes I am okay je dengan orang lol depends on situation. and I'm super extrovert with people I'm comfortable for and it takes quite some time for me to feel comfortable dengan sesiapa je

what's something that offends you

I generally have a cool composure, but I don’t know whenever someone bring the topic about how bad is kpop for you, about my personal preference about something like choice of clothes, songs, movies etc. and paling turn off la ni " Semua benda nak tweet" "Semua benda kau nak buat story" OMGGGG I'M SO MAD! and usually when I get offended it is because someone/something hit a trigger of mine and I couldn't control my  emotions. People hit triggers without intent. If you get offended then it's your issue, not theirs. If they are pushing your buttons and you choose to react poorly, it is your CHOICE. So if I get offended, then I chose to let my emotions have control.

what's the thing you most want to achieve before you die

- Can speak 5 languages fluently 
   (Malay, Korean, Arabic, English & Mandarin)
- Mengerjakan Umrah dan Haji
- Visit Korea and Europe 
- Pergi ke concert EXO
- Jumpa KAI, BAEKHYUN & TEN (doesn't matter dkt concert or 
- Fell in love again.
- Got a piercing
- Had a pet
- Visit Colloseum and Great wall China
- KURUS!!!

Your ideal type :3

- Tanned Skin
- Dance well
- Sing Well
- Asian
- Cute, Pretty Boy
- Funny
- Confident to wear weird stuff
- Have a chocolate abs :3333
- Know what proper hygiene is
- Dress up well

how would your perfect partner treat you

I just want him to be understanding je just faham my life as a kpop fans especially EXO & WAYV . Liking them doesn't mean I like him lesser. I hope he understand that before I met him EXO & WAYV are the one that entertain and teman me when I feel sad or happy. I nak dorang faham je that's all. I taknak dorang sekat I from things I love doing. And I pun tak akan sekat apa apa from them. hehehhehehe.


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