Wave Breaker
Tiring Week (PART TWO)
posted by SHAHIKAI 07:51 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and hi everbody!

nah hidung kembangku

So yeah ni adalah sambungan bagi entry yang sebelum ni hehehe. maklumlah ceritanya panjang tapi taknak nampak panjang sangat, so kita pendekkan dengan cara begini ya anak anak hehehehe.

Next event yang paling membuatkan aku sakit seminggu lepas adalah JENG JENG JENG


YEE!!! Bendalah ni yang buat aku sakit tak cukup tidur sepanjang this week allah serius weh sakit dia lain macam huhu. so like yeah. At first i dont give a fuck pun pasal this week apa apa jelah yang aku tahu Doctor Aneees handle malam ni so aku didedahkan awal lagi iaitu dari awal sem. so every class dia, dia akan remind kitorang about this week so like okay la excited. but the suddenly dia tanya dalam class isnin lepas lah kan dia kata "who interested in becoming international commitee member please stay outside after class" pergh aku dengan farah apa lagi excited international siot! markah lebih ni so kitorang pun dengan seronoknya nak jadilah ajk malam tu. ingat senang la kan tiba2 WALLAHI
Nak terberak jugak lah. act takdelah buat apa sangat pun. just jual tiket saje. peh sakit sial jual tiket. it's like a new experience lah sebab i never jual tiket for event lagi so mcm excited tu takde sangat tapi ya allah malasnya nak bangun pagi buka booth semua. but yeah ive learn a lot by jual ticket. I started to realize yang menjual is a very adventurous lah. it's not easy ppl. you need to beg everyseingletime oh maybe every second kau ada you need to jual one ticket. if tak you akan rugi. it's all about you ppl if you nak beli ke tak and it will efek kitorang.

first day, sales agak naik sbb yeah ppl still excited to join sebab yeah first day kan better grab it. Oraite, then... second day challenge dia dah sampai sebab student mula realize yang benda tu boleh walk-in and diorang malas nak beli sekarang. THAT'S THE PROB SIAL beli jelah halamak aku penat tau jaga then dia nak walk in? peh sial. ok emo. ok done emo hahah

the other prob pulak is student WUS like usahawan macam tu ada exam and the number of them sangat ramai which is 1000++ . ini sangat merisaukan aduhai hahhahahah yelah we target first year tapi tulah dorang ada exam okay takpe we can convince to them datang after exam since event ni maybe habis lambat so yeah dorang quite terpengaruh and yeaaaah dorang beli jugak eventho ada a sesetengah yang taknak jugak alahai bebal betul heheheh

Jadi committee ni jugak make me talk in english in my everyday life since we deal with international student a lot so macam we need to talk in english sebab only that bahasa semua akan faham. at first it quite hard for me to communicate with them since my english are not so fluent and dorang pun. malahan lagi teruk tau! but yeah at least we tried and boleh atasi masalah tu. thank god. all we need is practise because practise make a perfect boiled egg hahahhaha And also our director for this project is Arabic tau so dia agak garang and tegas. we need to be faster lah buat semua benda peh menakutkan sangat aum HEHHEHEHEHEH, Okay then aku rasa dorang okay je. what i like about them is they respect semua orang. omg i really like them sbb tu. dorang like polite gila nak mati and sangat ramah. boleh gurau eventho aku tak faham pun. and dorang jenis support member. ceria bising baik aduhai semua nya lah benda baik ada dkt dorang. just satu lah aku tak suka...BAU HAHAHAHAH MINYAK ATTAR KUAT SANGAT LA BANG!!!!!! HAHAHHAHA

okay lah aku maals nak membebel so yeaaaaaazzzaaa

my friend farah. nampak tak muka ekcited dia dengan orang arab tu fulamak tinggi siot

Left tu one of the country yang ada pameran haritu. tekalah negara apa. siapa betul sis bagi cekelat cadbury seposen

Yang kanan pulak my indo friend aric sangat masuk air HAHHAHAHAH

Thanks support saya Intan & Aric btw ni first day bertugas hehehehhehehe

This is the ticket we need to sold by 3 days 

Need to wake up early everyday but nevermind just smile hehehe 

Because we love lighting dalam dewan omg btw I LOVE MAC PUNYA HIGHLIGHT PEH PADU

This is the backdrop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lit af!!!!!!!!!1


Committee Members aum and yeah i gain a new friends and they're so friendly and funny hehehehhe

OPPPAAA!!! ceh jk his name is gene cute kan? At first i thought dia korean but then he speak malay with me. dia sangat friendly bro! and yeah dia major in internatinal business brooooo salute dia !!

Balik tu barai apalagi meggi lu!!!

okay that's all.

Event ketiga i buat special before ni lagi hahahhaha do read dkt older posts okay bye anyeong!

design by Wanaseoby